In its debut as ABC's newest and most watched drama series, "Quantico" Main Line Models alum, the handsome and very talented Graham Rogers, hits the scene as "Caleb Haas" an aspiring FBI agent. This series follows a diverse group of recruits at the FBI Quantico Base for training. They are the best of the best, the brightest and most vested in protecting our country. Rogers, plays a flunked out, bad boy persona, son of a prominent FBI Deputy Director, that is removed from the training program, but was brought back to train as an analyst, then re-instated to agent trainee. Rogers role is most eventful and addicting to watch. Take a minute and catch up on the series, as new twist and turns unfold.
Check out our amazing talent hitting the BIG SCREEN! This month Main Line's own William Wunsch has been busy voicing the character of "Shermy" in the newly released 3D film "The Peanuts Movie" This nationwide release on November 5th is just in time for the holiday season and a must see for the whole family. This modern take on the beloved comic strip classic, previews in a 3D film which incorporates computer animations. This movie is a sheer delight for movie-goers everywhere!